To the Nursing Mom at 2:00 AM

By Amy Mason
Please learn more about Amy by visiting her website at

Hey sweet Mama. Here you are, up again in the middle of the night, half-asleep, holding your precious child and nursing. You are probably hoping and praying that this feeding will give you at least a 4 hour stretch of sleep (or longer)! You look enviously at your husband sound asleep and wish you could conveniently sleep through shrieking baby cries like he can.

This is written to the mothers out there who are exhausted, whose night time feedings leave them wondering why it doesn’t come naturally or why it is so much harder than they expected. Getting up at night is stressful and hectic. Once you finally lay your head back down the tears are flowing down your cheeks because you know you’ll be up at it again in about 45 minutes. This was my experience with breastfeeding. The best advice someone gave to me was this: This is a season.

This season can at times make you wonder if you’ve lost your sense of identity. Maybe you’re so tired you can hardly function and you think baby-brain has reduced your once sharp mind to mush. Maybe you look in the mirror at the dark circles under your eyes and the way your body has changed and wonder if you’ll ever get back to normal.

This season is bittersweet and it’s okay to feel that it’s hard sometimes. Motherhood will challenge you for sure. Right now it’s mostly the physical challenge of surviving erratic (if any) sleep and nursing when you’re SURE there is not one more drop of milk left in your body! This season is the aching arms and stiff neck from holding your baby who by some force of their 8 pound body absolutely will not let you put them down. It’s going to bed at 7:30 PM because you sleep when the baby sleeps. It’s lazy mornings in bed adoring your baby’s angelic face even though at 2:00 AM you were sure he was a spawn of the devil and not your child. This season is a blur of days and nights and feeding, sleeping, changing diapers, and doing it all over again. But it’s a season where your baby loves you unconditionally and needs you fully. It’s a season of wonder over how all 10 toes came out so perfect and tiny. It’s scrumptious baby smell and how soft their skin is next to your cheek. It’s chubby little thighs and whole conversations of sweet cooing. This is a precious season.

Suddenly, just as quickly as you became a mother to this baby, you will become a mother to a toddler. Toddlerhood has its beauty in the curiosity and questions and messes. It is the next season full of wonder and challenges of its own.  

Will your life ever get back to normal? Well, no. You will never go back to who you were before you became a mom. But you will be a better person than you who you were before. You will know the beauty of sacrifice and the distance you would go for love of your baby. You will be ever loved by this little person who one day will thrill your heart when he finally says, “Mama” for the first time. You will be stronger than you thought as you walk your child through their own struggles. And physically? Those stretch marks and loose skin aren’t scars to abhor - they are beauty marks to adore. They are witness to your participation in the miracle of bringing new life into this world. Your new title “Mom” ushers you into so many possibilities for sisterhood as you meet and share friendship with other lovely ladies who hold your same title! It’s the season that gives birth to all the blessings that come in every season of motherhood.

If you are waiting for this season to be over so you can get a good night of sleep for the love, you will get there soon enough. I promise your child will probably be sleeping through the night before they go to college. The challenge in this season is to be present with your baby despite the difficulty. For now try to soak it all in. Engage all your senses fully in this moment so that when this season does pass you can be at peace knowing you savored it as best you could.

So, for now it is quiet in your room. It’s just you and baby snuggling close. Your little one is safe and you are nourishing them as best you can. These quiet moments with just the two of you go by so fast. Soak them up, smell their soft hair and marvel at their little toes. As they grow so do their problems. For now, you can handle a night time feeding because you know a new season is just around the corner.

Remember, you are a wonderful Mom. You’re never alone. You are surrounded by sisters who are up holding vigil on the night shift with you!

Say Goodbye to Mommy Guilt

By Amy Mason
Please learn more about Amy by visiting her website at

Hey Mama. Let’s talk about a bad friend that’s been hanging around for way too long. Her name is Mommy Guilt. You know her by her accusing tone and condescending voice that whispers things like you’re not good enough, you’re not doing enough, you’ll never be as good as a mom as so-and-so. She’s the friend who likes to park your thoughts on your failures and stay there for way too long. Do you know her? I do too.

It’s no wonder so many of us put up with Mommy Guilt every day. We live in a world where only the best of mothering is put on display. Pinterest shows us the most creative and most fashionable moms in the world. Facebook and Instagram bombard us with pictures of beautiful families with well behaved children enjoying perfect moments of marital and sibling bliss. How can we see these incredible pictures and not feel “less than”? Oh how Mommy Guilt loves to feed on that feeling.

Here’s the thing - it’s time to break up with Mommy Guilt. It’s an important step toward being content as a mom. I certainly don’t want to mother from the place of fear she brings me to. Deep down, I desire the confidence to fully embrace the family I have and be the woman I want to be. I truly want to enjoy this beautiful gift of being a mom.

Over the years, I’ve realized that Mommy Guilt has no value in my life and I’ve been learning there are ways to put her off. Here are three ways to help you say goodbye to Mommy Guilt.

Embrace good enough. There is a whole theory of parenting called Good Enough parenting that says that it is actually better to raise children as a good enough parent, rather than a perfect parent. The best parents are involved enough but are flawed enough too. Supermom is a myth and nothing feeds Mommy Guilt like trying to make yourself and your children live up to an impossible standard. One of the best things you can do for yourself and your children is to learn to embrace your humanity and see your limitations as part of the package of good parenting traits you already have. Your limits can be opportunities to teach your children about how to deal with failure and mistakes. Plus, eventually your children will become aware that you are not perfect; that they are not perfect. They might as well know that sooner than later and learn to how to embrace their strengths and weaknesses. This helps children cope with disappointment and learn to roll with the punches. Isn’t it a relief to know that your “good enough” is actually better than perfect?

Focus on the Good. Mommy Guilt loves getting your train of thought stuck on your failures. One way to escape feelings of guilt is to spend some time each day listing or journaling what you did well that day. Even if it’s as simple as gave my kids a hug, or kept my children alive - celebrate it! It can also include took care of me, or showed affection for my husband. Try to think of any positive example set, gift given, words said, healthy snacks consumed. Set aside time each day to only think about what you’re doing well as a mother. This is not a time to think about what you should be doing or what you want to be doing better. This is a time to remember what you have done and are doing well. You will be amazed at how this list grows over time and each day you will become more aware of your strengths as a mother rather than your failures.

Share the love. A great way to fight Mommy Guilt is to turn the attention to someone else. Motherhood is a sisterhood and we all need each other in order to do this thing well and to raise our beautiful children into functioning, caring adults! Who are the moms in your life that you admire? Who are the women that inspire you? Take some time to let them know. Text them some words of encouragement. Write them a note. Send them a gift. Your encouragement might be a healing balm to their soul - and maybe even the boost they need to break up with their own Mommy Guilt.

Friends, let’s make a pact to leave Mommy Guilt in the past. Let’s be okay with being real moms, let’s focus on where we are succeeding rather than failing, and let’s give each other a little TLC so we can be great moms who raise the next generation of caring kids!

Moms on a Mission

By Amy Mason
Please learn more about Amy by visiting her website at

Welcome to the Cloud Nine Baby Planning blog! We are so glad you stopped by! There is a lot in store for you but first we want to share our vision with you.

We are Moms on a Mission! We believe that Motherhood is a Sisterhood and that as women, we need each other on this journey of mothering. If you are a mom or mom-to-be, you need to know we are on your side! Our mission is to provide a place where you can find both support and practical advice to help you thrive as a mom. Our desire is to come alongside you and be your cheerleaders, and your fellow travelers in this great adventure of Motherhood.

Becoming a mother is one of life’s most beautiful experiences but it can also be overwhelming. Although most moms will say they don’t believe in a Supermom, many of us find ourselves still striving to be her. Here at Cloud Nine, we are real moms with real kids. Both Tina and I have all boys so you can bet we have our share of crazy! We don’t claim to be perfect and perfection is not our goal. Our goal is to love motherhood, and to help others love motherhood too. We aim to embrace our beautiful children and our important role in their lives, to laugh at the mess, and give each other permission to drink wine at 3 pm if necessary. You can learn more about Tina and Amy here.

Amy and Tina, circa 1999

Amy and Tina, circa 1999

Tina and I been the dearest of friends for over 20 years! We are excited to bring this blog to you from a place of friendship, and invite you stay connected here for lots of laughs, amazing stories, and practical tips to help you thrive. Stay tuned for lots of practical posts from Tina including baby care tips, postpartum care for mom and baby, and her favorite baby gear picks. We also want address other areas of motherhood such as mommy guilt, what real moms look like, nutrition, and special need parenting.

We are so honored you stopped by!

In it together,