The Birth Doula
The support of a Birth Doula has a tremendous positive impact on the labor process. Our purpose is to help expecting mothers have a safe, memorable and empowering birthing experience. As Birth Doulas we are professionally trained in childbirth and provide emotional, physical, spiritual and educational support to expecting and laboring mothers. We wholeheartedly support you and your wishes through your labor experience so that you can walk away from your childbirth feeling empowered, confident and nurtured.
We Are a Part of Your Birth Journey
No matter what kind of birth you intend to have, home birth, non-medicated hospital birth, medicated hospital birth, VBAC or c-section, we are dedicated to being by your side throughout the entirety of your birth experience. Your care provider will handle all of your medical needs while we focus on you and on providing you with emotional, physical, spiritual and educational support as you birth your baby the way you envisioned.
As your Birth Doulas, we provide you with...
Educational Guidance
As you navigate your pregnancy, we are here to answer any questions you may have. Whether it be throughout pregnancy, leading up to your birth, as labor begins, during labor, or after birth, we are available to you at any time via email, text or phone for support and guidance.
Labor Pain Management
As professionally trained birth doulas, we are versed and practiced in various pain relieving comfort measures. We will help get you as comfortable as possible using our knowledge and skills regarding breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, massage, acupressure, and various laboring and birthing positions.
Dedicated Labor Support
Throughout your labor and delivery, we will be in constant and close proximity to you and will be providing you with vigilant support. Your care provider and nurses will be checking in and monitoring you, as well as other patients. While you are laboring, you will be our only focus and we are dedicated to supporting you entirely.
Calm, Objective, Informative Advice
As situations and needs for decision making arise, we will be beside you to help you navigate your choices. We will provide you with objective, fact based information that will help guide you towards the decisions that are right for you, your birth and your family. We will help facilitate conversations between you and your care provider should needs for more information arise, and will make sure that you feel comfortable, informed and confident.
Spiritual Support
We believe in you. We believe that you were born to birth your baby, and that your body was made for it. Being mothers ourselves, we have been where you are and will provide you with wholehearted support not only on a professional level, but a personal one as well. We are incredibly passionate about helping you feel secure and in tune with your birthing experience, and are dedicated to advocate for you, your baby and your family.
“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers; strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.”